It’s really nice to meet you.

I’m Drew Golden.

I’m a heart-forward man calling in love and a glorious marriage.

Wait… What is this site?

It’s my way of telling the universe that I’m open to the immense mystery of love and I’m allowing it to find me - and my way of sharing who I am, what I want, and what I will offer my future wife (because we all know dating apps aren’t cutting it.) If you've found your way here, maybe you're a bit like me… Maybe you’re seeking a deep, divinely-inspired connection. Maybe you're looking for a brilliant spark with someone - the kind that makes your heart flutter. Maybe you’re ready to feel that powerful synergy that forces you to stop everything so you can be with all the beautiful sensations of love. Maybe you’re ready to create space in your life for the fullness of a new soul. That's why I'm here, too. Because I’m excited to share this magic life with someone. I’m calling in love… big love… epic love… the good stuff!

I want to co-create a divine, sensual, evolved, expansive, abundant, passionate, sensual, soulful, spiritual, trusting, loyal, communicative, fun, joyful, sexy marriage with a woman who adores her femininity and wants to be loved by a spiritually-aligned and masculine husband.  

“An awakened man looks for an evolved woman as a partner on his life journey because he knows that as their souls merge she will help him to become a man of higher consciousness.”

- Daniel Nielsen

So Who Am I? Me in a Nutshell

If I had a tagline it would be, “Integrity first.” My values, morals, and character are my greatest strength. I'm a very old soul. I have a deep spiritual practice and start my day with meditation. I live with one foot in Divine Source and one foot in Consensus Reality. I believe collective consciousness is real, and I cultivate my part of it with care. Supporting our society’s evolution from 3D to 5D is part of my mission. I love to play, and have an insanely witty sense of humor, and I’ll do my best to keep you laughing for hours. Yes, I can be serious when it's called for, but I also laugh a lot. I volunteer 2-3 days a week to teach karate at my dojo. It's a cornerstone of my life and I love it! You should know that I’m insanely driven - relentless in my pursuits. More than anything, I am always fully connected to my heart. I call it living HeartForward.

The Fabric of My Being: Integrity & Healthy Masculinity

I embody a strong and healthy masculine energy - and I bring this to every aspect of life from karate to business and spiritual life to romantic relationships. I stand in my full integrity and authenticity at all times, and this part of me is unshakable. My morals are immovable, and this creates harmony and alignment in my life. I stand up for my beliefs… and one of them is that women and Divine Feminine should be honored. I respect and protect the Divine Feminine, keeping her safe from harm and free from fear, and creating an environment of support for her to shine and grow - free of judgement, and held in unconditional love. I respect the hell out of the women in my life. I will cherish and support my future wife’s expression of her feminine essence.

How I View Relationships

When people say, "Relationships are hard." I simply say “The wrong relationships are hard. The right relationships need tending to, caring for, and investment, yes - but they should flow with ease because both partners want to be there.” Very rarely are both partners equally supportive of the relationship at exactly the same time - there are natural ebbs and flows in effort and capacity to support, of course - but I feel that both people should commit to showing up for three things: (1) themselves, (2) the other, and (3) the integrity of the relationship.

What Makes a Relationship Amazing?

For me… absolute trust, loyalty, true vulnerability, unconditional love, open communication, and a willingness to lean in together through life's challenges…plus a substantial investment in intimacy outside of the bedroom, tons of laughter, lots of play, living room dance parties, spontaneity, adventures, and fun - to stay young at heart as you grow old together.

Stoicism, Ethics, & What I Do When Life Gives Me Lemons

I believe life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you deal with it, and attitude is everything. The fact is… if you give me lemons, I will make you Pinot Noir and leave you wondering how the fuck I just did that.

Here Are Some of My Flags. Red Flags? Green Flags? I'll Let You Decide…

1. My longest relationship was 14 years. Yes, we were married and divorced. I didn’t have kids of my own, but I did raise her daughter and put her through college.

2. I very much want my own biological children with my future wife. I think mothers are beautiful, of course, and also right now I'm calling in a wife who doesn't have kids of her own yet.  

3. In times of difference or disagreement, I prefer to process my feelings and then respond appropriately. When I'm angry, I'll work through my feelings. I’ll never yell, and work to be crystal clear with my words. I have clear boundaries and I will communicate them.

4. I always put the toilet seat down and the cap on the toothpaste. I keep a clean, organized home. I never go to bed angry or with a dirty kitchen. 

5. I've never cheated or been unfaithful. My theory is “Don't be in a relationship if you don't want to be.” 

6. I believe the worst truth is better than any lie. I’m honest and I need honesty in return.

7. I show up in relationships in a way that uplifts the woman I’m with. If I date a woman and we end up parting ways, I leave the relationship having improved her life.

8. I'm deeply connected to my heart and feel deep emotions and empathy as a result. 

9. I'm intuitive, I read energy, I move energy, and I hone the qualities of my energy. I will always be committed to growing these capacities.  

10. Personal growth is a major component of my life and I've spent more than 2,000 hours working and training with an energy worker to shape myself. We operate on a pretty high vibrational frequency, and it's my form of therapy. I've navigated trauma, unhelpful programming, and outdated belief systems in order to reprogram myself. I've done all the long, hard, dark dirty work - for myself of course - but also so that I can show up fully for my future wife.

11. I'm insanely driven in my work, but my work is the least interesting thing about me. 

12. I have a healthy relationship with my family - which includes my mom, dad, and brother.

13. I have a rescue cat named Jackson Golden. He runs the ship - and yes, dogs have Masters and cats have Staff.


The Basics

Age 47, 5’8”, strong & fit (Hell yah.)

Cis hetero man seeking cis hetero woman  


Secure attachment style

Love languages: physical touch and quality time  

Aries sun, Sagittarius moon, Scorpio rising. I'm a polished Aries - I've done enough personal development work to soften the edges.

Deeply spiritual. Raised Jewish. 

Born in NorCal. Raised in LA. (I traveled the world but I love living the healthy LA life.) Based in Santa Monica.

Founder & CEO in health care technology.

Introvert/ Extrovert Ratio

My Values

Words That Describe Me

Grounded. Calm. Patient. Thoughtful. Soulful. Driven. Creative. Meditative. Integrated. Well-Read. Established. Experienced. Emotionally Mature. Evolved. Empathetic. Compassionate. Chivalrous. I Dwell in Possibilities.

How I Enjoy Life

Meditation, a strong Vinyasa Flow, or a sweaty workout at the dojo

Deep-dive conscious conversations that flow

Naps in the sun, walks in the rain, bike rides on the beach

Cooking for two and long, slow, al fresco lunches with vino

Lots of Reading

Picnics in the park

Hosting dinner parties

Writing poetry

Watercolor painting and anything art-related

Warm desert nights

Balinese jungles and rice paddies

Great hiking trails

Farmers markets

About you

You’re deeply invested in your health. You’re conscious and spiritual. You’re self-aware and you’ve done the work. You’re communicative. You’re sensual and feminine. Your heart is open and you’re ready for a serious, evolved relationship that will lead to marriage and lifetime partnership.

The quickest way to my heart

Be yourself. Be honest, open, and communicative. Be ready to laugh, play and co-create together. Know what you want.

What I want to offer my wife

Mostly, love. Lots of love. Consistency in my presence, stability in my energy, and clarity in my communication. Healthy and strong masculinity. I pay attention to all the divine details of the woman standing in front of me. If you’re the woman for me, I want to honor your true beauty and that radiance that shines from within you. I want to be authentic and hold space for you to be authentic.

I believe that…

“A sure sign of a man’s strength is how gently he loves his wife.”

Think we’d click? If this is resonating, say hello by email or send me a DM on Instagram. I look forward to hearing from you.

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